Presenting... THE
Even MORE World Trade Center Conspiracy Assholes!
I've received yet another email from a loony conspiracy wonk. These days I try not to engage in battles of wit with those who are completely unarmed. It's really starting to get old. I should have just ignored this email and moved on, but this guy decided to try and give me a grammar lesson as well. I guess some folks learn by poking the grizzly bear.
Original Email
From: Ben (I'll be very kind here and
omit Ben's email address!)
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:46 PM
Subject: website commentary
I enjoyed your web page immensely (your fire-starting summary of "bring a
lighter" was just brilliant), until I happened upon your Asshole Files. While
the rants about people who need to understand how to walk in modern society was
right on the money, I have two questions for you.
Just so we're clear, I do not assume myself to be an expert on many of the
subjects in the WTC conspiracy arena, nor do I live in my parents' basement.
Here's my first question: What happened to the wings of the plane that
supposedly hit the Pentagon? They didn't enter the building through the 16-foot
hole. Neither were their fragmented remains scattered across the lawn.
My second question is this: Why has not ONE FRAME of video been released that
shows a 757 coming in? We've seen the
four or five "fireball" images, but nothing showing a plane.
Please spare me the profanity and stereotypical tin-foil hat garbage. Unless
that's all you have. And take it easy with bitching about those whose grammar is
less than perfect until you have someone proofread your website; "it's" means
"it is" and nothing else, for example. Do your research.
Thank You
M40's Response
From: m4040 []
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:01 PM
To: Address Omitted
Subject: RE: website commentary
First, thanks for the kudos on the survival topics... and now I get to tear into
you a bit for the rest.
I’m really not that finicky about grammar, but I guarantee you... if you saw
some of the illiterate and unreadable emails that land in my inbox, you'd be a
bit picky as well. I get rants in all capitals, with zero punctuation and
riddled with so many spelling errors it’s hard to even derive the message
within. People have become quite lazy these days. With so many emails to answer,
I can’t justify spending time translating content from gibberish.
HOWEVER... as long as you’re nitpicking the subject of grammar, here’s a little
“research” for you. If you're going to correct
someone's grammar,
then you'd better know what you're talking about. Apostrophes indicate either of
two things; a contraction of two words or a possessive case. In some situations
they can even become a clitic possessive case. As you can see in the highlighted
phrase above, I've used an apostrophe, but NOT to indicate that, “someone is
grammar”. Instead, I’ve indicated that, "grammar", is possessed by, "someone"
(certainly not you though).
The proper way to indicate that I (Mike) possess grammar would be something
like, “Mike’s grammar”. In the clitic possessive case, I might use the
apostrophe a little differently and write, “The man from down the street’s dog”.
The street doesn’t own the dog, the man owns it. If I want a more appropriate
clitic possessive phrase, I might now criticize, “Ben, the crazy conspiracy
theorist’s nonexistent grammar”. In this case, Ben is the owner of the
nonexistent grammar, not the theorist. As you can see, the apostrophe is
transferred to the end of the phrase and inserted prior to the item that is
Now on to these fictional tales of 9/11... and if I sound a
bit like I’m stereotyping you with the tin foil brigade, you’re probably
First let's get one thing perfectly straight. The hijackers chose what may be
the single most reinforced building in the world to crash into. The Pentagon is
made of thick, steel reinforced concrete. It was designed to withstand all but a
direct nuclear hit. There simply is NO conventional missile that could pierce
those walls, and continue on through three inner rings of the building.
By the way, it may enlighten you a little to watch this video which clearly
shows what happens when a fast moving airframe hits a reinforced concrete wall:
It's only due to the huge mass and momentum of a modern jetliner that the walls
were actually pierced. There are plenty of pictures that show clearly where the
airplane hit the building, and the area of destruction was far bigger than would
ever be caused by a missile. For some reason, the creators of the conspiracy
websites always choose those pictures that don't show it clearly.
Furthermore, they love to show a picture of a very small 12 foot hole.
Unfortunately, this is not a picture of where the plane hit. It’s a picture of
where one of the engines punched through the wall of C-ring. That's right...
it's a picture of C-RING... the 3rd ring. As for the wings, photographs show
indentations and massive damage to the facade about 100 feet wide. You can
clearly see where the stronger, inner portions of the wings made impact, but the
farther out towards the tips of the wings and the tail, the lesser the damage.
Again, I refer you to that video! The wings almost totally disintegrated, and
the disintegrating fuselage continued it’s trajectory in an almost fluid dynamic
state. This is very similar to what happens in an avalanche where particulate
solids travel very similar to a Newtonian fluid. As for the wings which are
pretty much filled with fuel... there wouldn’t have been any large bits left.
Most of the fireball you saw was from the wing tanks vaporizing and igniting.
The fuselage tanks ruptured further into the building.
There’s almost a city block’s worth of damage to the façade just moments after
impact. Most of the damage isn’t visible, but is inside the building, where vast
areas were destroyed.
A few months later once the rubble was removed and construction could begin to
repair all the damage, we can plainly see that there’s about a half a dozen city
block’s worth of damage encompassing 3 rings of the structure:
Okay, so why don’t we see the jet coming in when we watch that crappy jumpy
video? Simple answer is... because the video is from a crappy security camera at
a Citgo station. While you may be used to watching NTSC video feeds on your TV
at 29.96 frames per second, most security cameras record a frame every one or
two seconds. This conserves tape, and in the case of computer feeds, it
conserves drive space by using one 60th as much space.
In the one camera feed you refer to which caught the explosion but not the
plane, you’re seeing frames that are at least 2 seconds apart. It’s not only
possible... but incredibly likely... that the fraction of a second where the
plane was visible happened to be between frames. This is a favorite of the
conspiracy wonks. It’s been explained a million times over, but the theorists
insist that the pentagon removed frames from this video and/or doctored the
images. I’m well versed in video, graphics and animation, and I see no
doctoring. I see a crappy security camera feed from a Citgo station. By the way,
folks at that same Citgo station watched the plane pass. Were they part of the
conspiracy? In reality, the FBI grabbed 83 different security tapes from many
local businesses, hotels, etc. These are being held as evidence. Is the reason
why they aren’t released to the press because there’s no plane, or is it simply
the rules and laws regarding evidence? You know where the smart money is on this
It's always the game of conspiracy nuts to ask the same stupid questions over
and over again. They continue to demand answers until folks are sick of
explaining things. When sane people shrug them off as the assholes that they
really are, they claim it’s part of “the conspiracy” and “a cover up”. I think
it's time for a few questions to be leveled back at the conspiracy theorists for
a change...
Here's a few simple questions:
If it was not American Airlines flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, then where is
the airplane and the 64 people who were aboard? Out of all the bits and pieces
of bodies that were carefully picked from the rubble and wreckage, 63 out of the
64 sets of remains were able to be positively identified through DNA, dental and
other means, not just by military coroners, but by county and state officials
called in to help. The remains include passengers, crew and hijackers. Were
these victims all sent through some sort of shredder and their remains quietly
transported to the Pentagon and somehow embedded in the rubble over thousands of
square feet? There were hundreds of people, military and civilian, involved in
the gruesome task of cataloguing, removing, bagging and tagging remains... are
these people all lying? Are they all part of "the conspiracy"? How about the 125
military personnel and construction workers that were working in that part of
the building, and whose remains were positively identified? These folks were
working in and around an area covering several acres of the building. Were they
all killed by a missile? Fat chance, but it brings me to my next point.
Let’s discuss missiles. Missiles are lightweight and maneuverable. They need to
be able to fly. As such, most missiles don’t carry a lot of explosive power like
that which you’ll find in bombs. Because of this, missiles carry high
explosives. These make a very short duration flash and bang, not a big, fuel
laden fireball with lots of black smoke (like that seen at the Pentagon).
Bombs don’t fly, they simply drop like, ... umm... like bombs. A daisy cutter
bomb (a.k.a. MOAB) can cause an explosion of similar size, but not in confined
spaces. It relies on a vast amount of fuel mixing in an air dispersion with
requisite volumes of oxygen. These are air burst, and cannot punch through
buildings. Besides... it’s a gigantic bomb, definitely not a missile, and it
cannot fly laterally.
A “Bunker Buster” bomb is capable of punching through reinforced concrete, but
not 3 building’s worth. Add to this that a bunker buster punches a very neat one
foot diameter hole in the exterior, and then explodes inside. Also, the
explosion of a bunker buster isn’t all that big. It makes a very quick flash and
bang (as mentioned above). Again, a bunker buster is a very large and very heavy
bomb... not a missile, and it cannot fly laterally.
So... exactly what kind of missile can punch through multiple layers of
reinforced concrete and then devastate several acres of area? Here’s a hint...
IT DOESN’T EXIST. If you were to design a missile with those attributes, it
would be about the same size as a medium to large sized airplane... and we’d be
back to square one with plane vs. missile.
Were all of the hundreds of eyewitnesses (both in the Pentagon and in the
surrounding area) lying? How about the civilians driving on Rt.27? Are they ALL
part of the “vast conspiracy”? We're talking about hundreds of folks from all
walks of life. Are those few "witnesses" who claim they saw something else
somehow more reliable and trustworthy than the hundreds who clearly saw a plane?
Isn't it much more likely that the few saw nothing, but are merely attention
seekers and/or nut cases? There's always a few nuts in every crowd. If there
were a thousand eyewitnesses on the scene, we’d most likely have at least one or
two who would swear that they saw little green men in saucers shooting beams of
light at the building.
Damaged cars along Rt.27 and the drivers who watched in horror as the plane
passed right over them, clipping light poles and showering traffic with debris,
and then slammed into the Pentagon:
Yes, there were hundreds of folks (most of them civilian) right there driving
down Rt.27. There were cab drivers, construction workers, salesmen, secretaries,
and every other walk of life. They all were stunned as flight 77 swooped low
over the road, clipping road signs and light poles as it passed. They watched in
horror as it hit the Pentagon. Nobody there reported a missile. Somehow, the
wing nuts in the conspiracy movement conveniently forget to mention the
testimony given by all these folks. They focus instead on a few fruit loops who
were nowhere near the incident, but still claim they saw something else.
Finally, this is the
freaking pentagon we’re talking about. Did you really expect them to swing open
their doors and invite the world press to come in and have a look? Maybe they
could have let them take pictures of body parts mixed with charred top secret
documents? Did you expect openness, and sharing of facts? That’s not how the
military operates, and for very good reason. The conspiracy theorists claim that
the somewhat secretive investigations and closed-mouth attitudes of military
officials are some kind of “proof” that this was a cover up. It’s not a cover
up... it’s standard operating procedure for a highly classified facility.
All of this adds up to the simple fact that there are a few dumbasses who will
disbelieve the testimony of thousands in favor of the confusion or stupidity of
a few. They will ignore all the many facts that add up quite logically, while
focusing on the few facts that are anomalous or which they simply don’t
understand. They will abandon the laws of physics, and instead create their own
laws to support their fallacies. They will then use all of these myths, lies and
bent truths to spin yarns. These “theories” seem astoundingly uninformed to
those of us who are structural and mechanical engineers. Every single engineer
I’ve ever spoken with innately understands what occurred. They all see the
theorist’s tales for what they are... the ignorant rantings of folks with an
M40 Copyright 4-2008, All Rights Reserved
Note: I have no idea who (if anyone) owns the rights to the pictures above, but will give credit if due. There are so many pages out there showing the same pictures that it's tough to find an original owner!