Presenting... THE ASSHOLE FILES!!
This is an extension to the overloaded
Grant Writes the following about Hype
Gary Writes the following about IdealAV
IDEALAV...what a, not a joke...a horror.
Bad's still going on.
Bought a Denon 3805 Stereo, paid about $200 less than retail.
Sounded like a good deal when I ordered it.
Unit showed up in big box that was flimsy and damaged.
Inside box(Denon Original)...looked ok, so I took delivery.
Set up the stereo and NO SOUND.....
I have better than average understanding of audio setups and even used the
instruction manual...still
did not work.
Called the local Denon service folks...they told me that unless the unit was
purchased from an
autorized Denon reseller....NO WARRANTY.
Well, I had purchased the 'Consumer Priority Service' from I
They said...'oh, no, we don't cover products that were delived
'non-working'...if it worked and then quit, we will...I said, ..'ok,
it was working'..the guy on the phone said..'sorry I have already logged this as
'dead-on-arrival'...'so, not covered.'
After many calls to IDEALAV customer service (man that's a sick joke)....they
told me to send it back to them and they will
take care of it...either fix it, or send new one.
I had to pay the return...$55.00.
Two weeks and lots of calls to them, I got a tracking number...woe they were
sending me a replacement.
Got in a week later...guess showed up in the factory double
box...ana it was the same unit(serial number) I sent them...oh,
it gets had never been worked on...they just sent it back to me
without working on it, and without double boxing it...even though
their instructions for returns read like a MIL-Spec document.
Stay away!!!!!!!!!
I bought a brand new DLP television from Hype Audio in October, 2004 in the amount of $2,318.85. My wife and I were in the process of getting our basement finished, so when we received it about a week later, we merely plugged it in to see if it worked, then stored it for about two months while the basement was finished (we wanted it then so the builders could measure it to know the dimensions of the entertainment center they were building).
When the basement was finished in mid December, 2004 and we plugged in the TV, we noticed there were huge spots on the screen that could be seen when the picture had a dark background. Consequently, we called Hype Audio and Samsung to have the source of these spots fixed, and were directed for it to be serviced by the Electronic Service Center in Baltimore. Over the course of a month or more, the Electronic Service Center sent someone out to look at the TV, diagnose the problem, order parts, have the parts shipped, then arrange service and come out to install the parts. When the problem was still not resolved, we called and Electronic Service Center and they arranged to take the TV in their shop for service. They then picked up the TV and took it into their shop, where they had it for 5 weeks, claiming during that time to be waiting for and installing a new screen to fix the problem. However, when we got the unit back in late March, myself and several family members immediately confirmed that the spots were in the exact same place, so the problem was not fixed.
At this time, I called SamSung about fixing the television. After giving them information on the set, they came back and told me that based on the serial number they could tell that I was given a refurbished television set and not the new one I paid for. Samsung then told me that since the unit was refurbished, it had NO WARRANTY, so they wouldn’t service it.
I immediately called Hype Audio (the seller) and spoke with Robert Anderson (888) 447-0011, ext. 312 telling him about the unit being refurbished and the problem with the spots, and he stated that the unit sent to me was supposed to be NEW (their website says “ALL items are brand new, factory sealed,” and “all items include …a USA warranty unless otherwise specified.” I have included a copy of those statements from that website in this fax). Robert then said that he apologized for the mistake of sending me a used unit instead of the new one I paid for, and that they would do whatever it took to rectify the problem.
He went on to suggest that I have someone else fix the television set and send him (Hype Audio) the bill for repairs. However, since I paid for a new TV and would still have a used TV, I told him I was sending the television back for a full refund. After all, selling someone a new item and sending them a used one is FRAUD. With no hesitation, he told me they would pay for the TV to be shipped back and refund me the full purchase price, and that I just needed to box it up before they could pick it up, and to call him when the TV was boxed and ready to ship.
I then went out and bought a brand new unit of the exact same model at a local store, used its box and Styrofoam to package my refurbished unit in, and taped the box securely all over to ensure safe shipment back to Hype Audio. At this time, I called Robert Anderson, who told me that he was faxing over a shipping order that day, and that the shipping company would call me within a week or 10 days to arrange for pickup. After not receiving a call from the shipper after 10 business days, I called Robert Anderson again, and he told me he would re-fax over the request to have the unit picked up, but also asked if I considered having the unit fixed and sending them the bill (odd he would say that, since we had already agreed they’d pick it up and refund me the purchase price, and supposedly already faxed over a request to have the unit picked up). After again not hearing from the shipper after several days, I insisted he give me the shipper’s phone number so that I could verify that they had received the fax for pickup since he had told me he had faxed the shipping request TWO times.
When I called the shipping company, I spoke with the person in charge of shipping requests, who told me she never received such a shipping order to pick up the television set. Over the course of the two weeks or so, we both called Robert repeatedly to tell him to do what he said he was going to do all along: fax over the request to pick up the refurbished television set they sent me as brand new. All the while, he was saying he had faxed over the order several times, and never once disputed the appropriateness of Hype Audio having to pick up the unit at their cost and issuing me a full refund.
Finally, the shipper received the request from Robert to pick up the television set to be returned, and the woman who works there set up a date for them to pick it up and return it to Hype Audio. The TV has been picked for over a month now, yet I have NOT received a credit for the purchase price. I am now in the process of going through my credit card company to get my money back.
Curt Writes about Pricesrite (Hype Alias):
my name is Celeste, and I found you on asshole files.
I wanted to tell you my experience about IdealAV, aka, aka Let's
go digital. I called IdealAV up on 7/12/06 to order a Samsung 56 DLP HDTV. Now I
always do my homework, and try to find all the reviews before ordering, but I
got anxious and ordered first because of the "Great Price" yeah right.
Anyways, put the order in, then went back online and did some research. Found a
bunch of bad reviews for them, so about an hour and a half later, I picked up
the phone and called them back to cancel the order. I spoke with Jeffrey who
began with, "I am sorry, we can't cancel that order, it has already been
processed and is ready to be shipped". 1st Lie. 2nd lie was he said I am
emailing you an order and confirmation number. As of today,(7-16-06) still don't
have that.
Needless to say, the discussion on the phone got more violent and louder on both
ends. I had to get my husband involved, not pretty. Bottom line was we told them
do not charge our credit card, I will be disputing it with them, we will not pay
for a thing.
They were forewarned. 2 days later the charge has shown up on our card, so
gloves are off with them. I already wrote a letter to New York BBB, rated them
on Ripoff Report, and one other site. My next thing is to contact
the attorney general in N.Y. on Monday mornning. If you know of anything else I
can do I would love to know. If there is a lawsuit, please I would love to be
part of it. Any other help would be appreciated.
M40 Comment: I found yet another alias for these assholes ( ), and confirmed it for a fellow webmaster. His site is worth checking out. He has a lot of information on the actual owners of the Hype Audio empire. Here is his page:
He writes:
Hi, Mike,
We've added hpdirectav to the appropriate page on our site:
We found two other buyers who wrote online that their orders had been shipped
from either Heffco or HypeAudio, but it was you, with that phone number, who
nailed it beyond doubt.
Thanks. And now that I've discovered your site I'll be looking at it every so often.
Re: HYPE Audio
There are lots of the RIP OFF Companies out there!
I ordered a Sony DCR/DVD 403 (THEY confirmed it was in stock even though it has
been discontinued by Sony.) price 719.00 I got a DCR/DVD 405. price 659.00 - At
least it a decent camera so I will eat the over charge. I did call but nada so
far. Today someone called and left number (talked so fast my daughter could not
understand). OH Well.
Also had my credit card used by someone to wire money via WU. Capitol One killed
it quick! Ain't sayin' it was the Ideal Audio/Video but who knows. Tried to get
that camera quite a few places and some very nasty. I cancelled all and checked
not billed on my card! Scum have taken over the internet it looks like to me.
re: LAWSUIT? I'll join !!!
Here is my story:
I submitted order 216449 for Velodyne DPS-12 on 06/01/06. On 06/05/06 they
called me and offered to buy extended warranty. I declined, they said "No
problem, we already shipped your order" and charged my card. They did not
provide tracking number. I called 3 times during next 5 days and they still
could not give me tracking number. BUT every time they assured me that order
already shipped. On 06/12/06 I called them and they said that item was never
shipped and they do not have it in stock. They expect it in couple weeks and if
I want I could wait.... CS rep was very unpleasant and said they are not going
to compensate for this and they do not feel any guilt. I wasted 10 days and they
USED MY MONEY FOR A WEEK. It is not what they advertise on <>
"Order fulfillment".
Thank you -Sergey
Re: Another Victim
I bought a Denon 2806 receiver from these guys, suckered in by the low price. It
arrived as promised and worked great for a few days. It then began mysteriously
shutting down. I called Denon tech support and they confirmed there was a
problem with the unit.
I called HypeAudio and "John" said there was nothing they could do but I was
lucky to have bought the warranty so I need to call the warranty company. The
warranty company, who I believe to be very related to HypeAudio, told me they
would not talk to me until I register the product on-line. I register the
product and finally get hold of a human when they tell me the warranty is only
good if I've had the product more than 30 days.
I call HypeAudio to explain the situation and after the usual run-around, being
put on hold, etc. "John" says he can't help me the warranty comapany needs to
take care of it. I call back the waranty company and press to speak to the head
person. He says he'll call HypeAudio for me. He calls me back later the same day
and tells me to call HypeAudio and they'll take care of it. The BITCH, I'm
sorry, woman, same one I've dealt besides "John" gives me an RMA number and says
ship it back. When they get it they'll credit my account.
I send it as directed. After they've had it a few days I call to find out if
they've credited my account. She verifies they've received it and says she will
credit account. A week later still no action! I call. SHe says she'll take care
of it and, you guessed it, nothing happens.
I'm now protesting payment with MBNA MasterCard. MAJOR HASSLE! They gave Hype 30
days to credit my account and of course they were blown off just like me. No
response. Fuck the BBB. They're a joke. Somebody needs to sic the New York state
DA on these SCHLOCKS. I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing what they
do to people.
- Ken
Why not sue? I filed a case on behalf of my father and got a $74,999.99
judgment against them and I am in the process of collecting it in New York.
M40 Response: Good luck. If you think you're getting even a penny from these
guys, you'll be disappointed! Judgments mean nothing if they simply don't pay
I ordered a Yamaha subwoofer YST-SW315 from I hope that it
will arrive soon and as promised - New in box, sealed, with no problems.
The UPS tracking from Heffco technologies shows the package originated from
Brooklyn, NY. It is en route. Credit card bill shows hypeaudio as the seller.
What I think this is how it works. Not sure, just a guess. Heffco Technologies
is a warehouse with inventory. The company has other people's stores and
websites around the the NY area sell his products via the web for a commission
in sales. If there is a problem with the order, the store or website from where
you buy it from can't help.
Since none of these webstores are authorized dealers, the manufacturer can't
honor warranties. Most of these websites and stores are those typical scam style
Brooklyn Audio/Video/Camera stores.
How Heffco Technologies gets it's inventory is a good question. For example, I
ordered a Yamaha subwoofer. How can a company order products from a manufacturer
at wholesale if they are not an authorized retail dealer?
There are many positive reviews, so I am crossing my fingers hoping that Heffco
is going to do me right. We will see in a week or two.... I'll let you
It has been over two weeks, and I am still trying to anything in my power to get the word out about these crooks, and their aliases, Let's Go Digital,, LGD Superstore. July 12 at 10:30 in the morning order a DLP Samsung 56 inch from Ideal Audio Video. Went back online and did more research, and found that they were very unscrupulous. Within an 1 1/2, immediately picked up the phone to cancel order. Was transferred to Jeffrey who originally placed order. Trouble begins. He goes into telling me oder has already been processed and shipped, can't cancel. There was one lie from his mouth after another. We go back and forth for about 15 minutes, I had to get my husband involved because threats were being used. I finally tell him, this will be taken up with CC company, I reiterated one more time, I cancelled the order, do not send, we will not accept if sent out, DO NOT SEND!!!!!
then proceed to call CC company to file dispute, and give them all the details of this corrupt company. It has now been 2 weeks, so it is now in the hands of CC company. I have called CC company countless times to complain, and make sure they note every time I call them, wrote to BBB,,, N.Y. attorney general Elliot Spritzer's office and anyone else who will listen.
They are scam artists, liars, frauds, any other negative word I can think of. If there is anything else I can do please feel free to let me know. I hope this gets published where people click on and can read about this horrible company.
I have just had an experience with these people. I warn all those who come in contact with these scumbags and all of their associated scams to BEWARE!!! -tecomavalley
When I dealt with the scum, they were under the name of HPDirectAV.
They were in violation of my order $2500.00 in many ways but the one that was
really an idiotic charge, was the addition to my $299.95 shipping charge. They
added a "Platinum Protection Shipping Insurance of $232.93" which was not
needed, wanted are authorized. I placed a shipment refusal and am awaiting a
dispute ruling from my Visa. Visa sounds encouraging, mainly because the order
did not arrive as stated. I learned something that all should know. Before
placing an order, have the selling company to
email an itemized list of your order and all costs, shipping times, etc. before
you actually make the order. If it is not adhered to, there is no problem in
getting your credit card reimbursement. You will have a record of the order and
agreement. I can have an attorney determine the chances of a class action suit
and have the federal trade commission make a decision on their violations if we
have enough interest. Just let me know and send email addresses of those
Help! Freakin A I just purchased from these A-holes
Oh my damn. I just bought from hpdirectav! I am so frightened... I didn't get a
chance to see your site first. Just wondering... Were you (and others) able to
resolve your problem?
BTW, I love your piece on Muslims. How true it is! Michael Savage style. Anyway,
your feedback is much appreciated, as I wait here for my doomed order made with
hpdirectav. Damn it.
Yes, Lets Go Digital has taken another let's get it cheaper bleeper(me) and
if it looks too good to be true, it is too good to be true.
They will offer you a free digital camera and "digital picture taking for (yes)
dummies" book (or is it a cd?) if you (could) give them a good write up too. How
could you want this toy camera after the deceit that is perpetrated on line?
Yes, I did get the TV. It was out of the box, so it arrived with a cracked front
panel. When I opened it right from delivery, it had been damaged. Their
response? Well, it was out of the box, so what can you expect? but if I had been
told that and also that no owners manual or remote control would be included, I
would have gone for the one sold at regular price. Then there is still the $300
for the
"extended warranty" Who knows what the hell that is??
Well, you get what you deserve and also what you pay for in life. Guys with
names like Tony, Brian, Woody and Kevin talk to you, but their names are
probably Isaac, Yosi and Samuel in real life. Now I know why people hate us....
I haven’t bought anything from these guys but just thought I’d let you know that
this guy sells on Ebay too. His name is gigabuyz( 271) on Ebay
One of his listings is as follows:
While searching on how to do a reverse lookup of his telephone number, I found
your site.
M40 Response: Thanks for the Ebay link. These guys are unscrupulous, and will
sell anything in any way they can. Caveat Emptor folks!
I bought a plasma TV from these assholes. They pushed me to limits trying to
sell me warranty, additional accessories and I said NO..I was told that TV is on
the way…I thought to myself WOW I beat them this time…NO NO NO I was wrong, I
got a call from a Guy name Jeffrey ext310 asking whether I am using this TV for
commercial purpose or for home, I said home! Well he said I will need to
purchase a video tuner card in order for me to watch cable TV…What the heck I
said ok. TV arrived in 3 weeks time and there was no CARD installed and now
these assholes are giving me a run around…