Presenting... THE ASSHOLE FILES!!
Mass Turnpike Authority Assholes ... umm... MASSholes
Aaahhh... where to start? These pricks have been thumbing their crooked noses at
we, the voting public, for nigh on 30 years. When the Mass Turnpike was built,
the tolls were added as a means of fundraising to pay for the project. The
voters were promised that once the project had been paid for, the tolls would be
Sound familiar? It's very much like the income tax, which was an emergency
wartime measure to generate funds for World War II... has it been revoked? Do
government promises mean anything? Does it matter that income taxes are
unconstitutional? Not to a politician (and particularly not to a Massachusetts
The tolls were NOT removed when the Mass Pike was paid off in the 1960's. Nor
were they removed when it had been paid for twice over in the 1970's, or 3, 4
and 5 times over to the present day. The story gets better... Groups of angry
taxpayers formed to protest this injustice. Several times over the years, they
collected the tens of thousands of signatures that were necessary to place the
issue as a ballot question to the voting public. It was soundly passed each and
every time. The people had spoken loud and clear... "TEAR DOWN THE TOLLS!".
Surely, when the people of a state have spoken in so resounding a manner, the
well-coiffed, political hacks must take notice, right? Wrong... the issue "died
in committee". It died through "legal loopholes". It died every death the pinko,
fuckhead politicians in Mass could think of.
Once a tax, fine, tariff, levy or any other means of corrupt politicians getting
their hands in your pocket has been instituted, it almost NEVER goes away.
Forget all promises to the contrary. A promise from a politician (particularly
where your money is concerned) is like a junkie promising to go clean. Add to
all this that the Mass Turnpike Authority is a haven for the idiot nephews,
neighbors and campaign contributors to the power elite in Massachusetts. Yup,
with the right connections you can make $70,000 a year taking tolls in Mass.
Never mind that a Coke machine can do the same job as these clowns (and might I
say that a Coke machine is more pleasant to deal with?). The Mass Democrat party
has its tendrils so deep in the MTA that the toll booths shake every time Ted
Kennedy breaks wind.
The latest affront to my sensibilities occurred recently. As I drove up to throw
coins at the change-monkeys in the little booths, I noticed that every booth had
a "Posh Wash Carwash" advertisement on it. To those of us in a capitalist
society, this sounds rather innocuous... until you think about it for a minute.
The government actively selling advertising? Carry this to its logical
conclusion. Can you picture "this Senate debate is sponsored by Microsoft", or a
Nike symbol painted on the statehouse? Could it be carried to the point where a
governing body makes decisions based not on what is the correct course of
action, but that which doesn't "offend the sponsors"?
If Massachusetts is raising revenues with advertising, then why haven't the toll
prices gone down? I have an idea... let’s plaster the whole pike with
billboards, but for god's sake... TEAR DOWN THE FUCKING TOLLS ALREADY!!!