Presenting... THE ASSHOLE FILES!!
Pacifist Assholes...
Pacifists would like to believe that their "cause" is just, and that they are
non-violent. I beg to differ. I blame pacifism for a hundred million deaths in
the last century alone. Both world wars should have been answered as soon as the
aggressors started them. Instead pacifists, wishful thinkers, and leftist idiots
worldwide demanded restraint and patience from those who could have stopped the
aggression early.
The pacifists claimed that there were peaceful means to stop aggression. They
claimed that negotiation was an effective tool, and that the aggressors could be
made to see the error of their ways. As the holocaust began taking it's millions
of lives, the pacifists simply denied it was happening. They pandered and
proselytized, whimpered, whined and cried to everyone who would listen. They got
their way for a while, but the aggression only grew. And the brutes of this
world laughed at the attempts to coddle and pacify them. Pacifists suggested
that perhaps giving gifts to the aggressors would appease them. We gave them
inches but they laughed and took miles. We gave them entire countries, but they
continued in their murderous rampages. By the time the world had tried all of
the harebrained pacifist ideas (all resulting in miserable failures) the
violence and bloodshed had escalated to enormous scales. Over a hundred million
people died under the aggressors and in the responses required to stop them.
After the world wars, one would think we'd have learned, but we didn't. It
happened all over again with Korea and then with Vietnam. It happened throughout
all of the cold war, and again, we watched as tens of millions paid with their
lives. And here we are... and it's happening yet again with the Middle East
crisis. We should have learned the lesson that it's better to use force quickly
and precisely against aggressors. When we don't, we allow violence and
oppression to grow. Every single one of the pacifist, non-aggressive means to
stop brutality has been tried and has failed.
Pacifists have done much worse than simple failure... they have aided and
abetted the aggressors through their failed policies. They have allowed the
violence and oppression to escalate and grow with each failed endeavor. The
pacifists have essentially aided and abetted the actions of monsters, and they
are therefore guilty of crimes against humanity.
Here we are again, and the same loony-leftist pacifist crackpots are telling us
that their ideas will surely work THIS time. Talks and negotiations will surely
convince those Islamo-fascist regimes to stop their aggression THIS time. If
only we would lay down our arms, then surely our enemies would do the same THIS
time! I'm sure we would all share a big enormous group hug and then we'd all go
home happy. Wouldn't that be nice? Maybe it will rain Twinkies and gumdrops too!
It may well turn out that twenty or thirty years from now, we will ponder the
enormous death toll levied by World War Three. Our children and our
grandchildren will ask serious questions. Why did people listen to pacifist
excuses for radical Islamic aggression and violence? Why didn't we use a little
force when the threat consisted of small groups of religious zealots and
extremists? How is it that world leaders allowed the situation to spin into a
whirlwind that engulfed the entire Middle East? How is it that we sat back and
watched as Europe fell to the Muslims? Why did we sit still while Africa,
Australia, Asia, and finally even Canada and South America began falling to
zealots? Why did we let it reach our very borders here in the US? Why did we
allow this war to spin into a maelstrom of nuclear fire? Why did billions have
to die?
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. More than a hundred
million deaths can be attributed to pacifism in last century's wars. We are on a
path to possibly double or triple that tally this century... or maybe MUCH
worse. We face an enemy with a "join us or die" mantra. An enemy willing to
commit ANY atrocity. An enemy that would gladly use nuclear weapons tomorrow if
given the chance. An enemy who wouldn't be swayed by the threat of "Mutually
Assured Destruction". An enemy willing to die in the name of a brutal, hateful
religion. An enemy willing to use ANY weapon at their disposal. An enemy
prepared to kill billions if necessary...
...and all it
takes is enough "pacifists" who will sit quietly and allow it to happen.