Political Pages
Where's Joe McCarthy when we need him most?
The so-called "Progressive Caucus" is a group of Democrats that are affiliated with many Socialist groups worldwide. Rather than calling themselves socialists, with all that the word implies, members of the caucus along with their affiliates, the Democratic Socialists of America and the Institute of Policy Studies, prefer to hide behind words like "progressive" or "nonpartisan think tank". The Democratic Socialists of America is the American branch of the Socialist International, an organization that spearheads open socialist parties in countries with totalitarian regimes. The logo of both the Democratic Socialists of America and the Socialist International is a communist fist clenched around a red rose. The Progressive Caucus logo is two giant hands holding the entire planet in its clutches, It must be seen to be believed, so I have included it here. When crafting legislation, the caucus looks to the DSA and the Stalinist Institute of Policy Studies for direction.
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PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS LOGO Somehow, I'm anything but comforted by this image. This kind of "whole world" idealism has caused so many millions of deaths in this century alone. It makes me sick to see that there are still those out there that think they could make it work with some "new" kind of Socialism. -M40-
I know that this all sounds like some sort of conspiracy theory, but it is all real, and is all documented. The Progressive Caucus used to share a website with the Socialists, but changed it after an expose in the World Net Daily (see below). See their website here http://www.dsausa.org/. One may think that there is only a few extreme left wingers that belong to this group.... THINK AGAIN. See the list of Senators and Congressmen that are members below.
Find your favorite Commie prick below! All listed below are Socialists. ( ps - this list is outdated... i will update it soon !! )
Earl Hilliard Am Samoa Eni Faleomavaega Ed Pastor Xavier Becerra Sam Farr Bob Filner Tom Lantos Barbara Lee George Miller Nancy Pelosi Hilda Solis Pete Stark Diane Watson Maxine Waters Henry Waxman Lynn Woolsey Rosa DeLauro Eleanor Holmes Norton Corrine Brown |
Carrie Meek John Lewis Cynthia McKinney Neil Abercrombie Patsy Mink Danny Davis Lane Evans Luis Gutierrez Jesse Jackson Jr. Bobby Rush Jan Schakowsky Julia Carson Michael Capuano Barney Frank James P. McGovern John Olver John Tierney David Bonior John Conyers Paul Wellstone |
"Lacy" Clay Bennie Thompson Donald Payne Tom Udall Maurice Hinchey Jerry Nadler Major Owens Jose Serrano Nydia Velazquez Mel Watt Sherrod Brown Stephanie Tubbs Jones Marcy Kaptur Dennis Kucinich Peter DeFazio Chaka Fattah Sheila Jackson-Lee Bernie Sanders Jim McDermott Tammy Baldwin
NOTE: Dennis Kucinich appears on this list, and is a co-chair of the caucus. He is also running for president. I wonder why the mainstream media has not even mentioned the Progressive Caucus during this immensely important election (not that anyone in America is paying much attention to Dennis Kucinich's campaign, as witnessed by his getting 0% of the vote in several primary states). They are also lending lots of air time to Nancy Pelosi without so much as a whisper of her affiliations.
See the excerpt from the World Net Daily below, or read the whole article here: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=29612
Pelosi leader of 'Progressive Caucus'
Dems' likely top House official part of powerful, socialist-linked
Posted: November 11, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the likely new minority leader in the House of Representatives, serves on the executive committee of the socialist-leaning Progressive Caucus, a bloc of about 60 votes or nearly 30 percent of the minority vote in the lower chamber.
Until 1999, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the
Democratic Socialists of America. Following an expose of the link between the two organizations in WorldNetDaily, the Progressive Caucus established its own website under the auspices of Congress. Another officer of the Progressive Caucus, and one of its guiding lights, is avowed socialist Rep. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent.The Democratic Socialists of America's chief organizing goal is to work within the Democratic Party and remove the stigma attached to "socialism" in the eyes of most Americans.