M40's Political Pages

The following is a collection of various items that I have collected over time. Most were emailed to me. I have no way to ascertain whether any of the contents of this page are proprietary to other folks. If you think so, please contact me, and I'll remove said item, or credit where appropriate. Thanks!

The REAL Reason we enjoyed years of incredible prosperity and growth in the 1990's...

The War, GWB, the Dems, and the coming Elections - Some things you ought to know!!

Democrat Beliefs - Just what do you need to believe to be a good Democrat today?

UN History - A nice dissertation that really puts things in perspective.

Fun Things - Ways to torment the Socialist pricks in your life.

The Fall of the Athenian Republic - A Warning from Long Ago - Interesting Reading.

Where is Senator Joe McCarthy When We Need Him Most? - Is your Senator or Congressman a Commie bastard? - A real EYE OPENER... They are among us !!


The War, GWB, the Dems, and the coming Elections

A few facts to help the confused....

    Before the war, the Democrats were screaming a familiar theme... 10,000 bodybags in the first week was what they were predicting. Nevermind that they said the same thing in the first Gulf war and it never happened. This time, whereas we were going to have to mount a large-scale ground operation, they were SURE that it would be costly this time. A few examples of how the war actually went:

    So the war went better than any of the "military experts" in the news media predicted, yet the caterwauling is seemingly endless. Everyone has suddenly become an armchair general, and are now gleefully second guessing everything that the military does. It apparently doesn't matter that this was the most successful military campaign in recorded history.... the Democrats know better than those stupid generals, right?

    Nobody likes to see our soldiers die (except maybe a few of the really hardcore lefties), and they ARE still dying (at a rate of just under one per day, or 350 per year). That may seem horrible, until you really look into the numbers as a general would. The same 60,000 soldiers, if they were back here in their U.S. bases, would be dying at at rate roughly DOUBLE that amount. US annual death rates average about 9 per 1000 individuals, which would equate to about 540 deaths per year for the 60,000 troops in Iraq. This isn't even taking into account that the 18-25 year old male group (which most soldiers would fall within) has a higher incidence of death (mostly traffic related).

    The other criticism that has been bandied about with great fervor is that the military is bogged down because they have no plan. Reporters keep asking GWB what the plan is, and they get little or no information back, so the left has assumed that there is NO plan. The left is famously inept on matters military, but I'm shocked that anyone could believe a whopper like this.

    The fact is, the military doesn't take a dump without a plan, a backup plan, and several backups to the backup plan. The Democrat presidential candidates who are tearing into GWB about this know full well that there ARE plans. Many have even been briefed on them. What they also know, is that GWB cannot disclose it without endangering and killing troops. Even laying out a time frame would give the other side a valuable edge in knowing just how long they need to hold out.

    Lastly, I have not heard any "plans" coming from these same lefties. They have no platform left, except to criticize everything that the right does. They lost HARD last time out, and they're still in shock over it. They do know that any hints of their actual agendas are not well received by any respectable person, thus the "plan" is to sit back and play armchair quarterback.



Democrat Beliefs

Virtually anyone can be a Democrat. Just simply quit thinking and vote that way. But if you want to be a GOOD Democrat, there are some prerequisites you must have first. Compare the current Democrat platforms below and see how you rate.


A Brief Lesson in UN History - A brief dissertation written by an old vet who was asked whether we should go to war with Iraq

(We already went to war, but this is still a hell of a good perspective on the UN as a whole!!)

The short, short version is that the League of Nations (established after WW I to prevent wars) failed to stop Mussolini's Italy from invading and conquering Ethiopia. It failed to stop Japan from invading and conquering Manchuria and much of China. Their committees wrung their hands and spoke in platitudes, but did absolutely nothing to stop war.

At France's coaxing, Britain's Prime Minister Nevil Chamberlain met with Adolph Hitler in Munich and surrendered the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany in the interest of "peace in our time." The French and British watched as Germany took Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. They all had committee meetings... and wrung their hands and talked of peace.

World War II erupted when Nazi Germany invaded Poland.  Britain had a mutual defense treaty with Poland so they couldn't escape. They declared war on Germany. Germany had a mutual defense treaty with Japan, so Japan declared war on Britain. France wet their pants and surrendered to Germany as fast as they could and then gleefully shipped all the Jews they could find to death camps in Germany to prove to Adolph that they really were on the side of Germany.

Japan attacked the United States and, because of Japan's mutual defense treaty with Germany, Germany declared war on the United States. Up until December 7th and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a large number of our people were wringing their hands and saying, "Appease Hitler. He is really a good guy who just needed a little more land for his expanding population. The dear man just wants peace."  And World War II was in full swing leaving better than 50,000,000 people dead including about 450,000 American soldiers and sailors. Three cheers for the League of Nations!

After World War II it was decided to do the whole thing all over again. This time we would call it the United Nations and we will have committee meetings and hand wringing parties and make sure peace prevails throughout the land.

While that august body wrung hands, the Soviet Union split Germany, then invaded Poland and Yugoslavia, Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria along with Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The peaceful world saw Korea with 37,000 American soldiers killed, over 1,000,000 South Korean soldiers and civilians killed and the country nearly destroyed.

Since then we have had over 50,000 American soldiers killed in Vietnam and have fought wars in Somalia, Herzegovina, Panama, Granada, plus the Gulf War when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

We should have gone into Baghdad and taken out that evil regime then but the United Nations would have no part of that. All they would allow was for us to chase the Iraqis out of Kuwait, then peace would prevail.  Now, here we are with Saddam violating all 17 United Nations resolutions while he has massed poison gas and bio weapons.  He is frantically trying to develop a nuke and his buddy, Kim Jong-Il of North Korea, may give him a few. (It was the United Nations who prevented us from taking North Korea when the war was hot and we had the means to do it.) Peace!!!!!!!! Sure.

France is wetting their collective pants in fear that the United States will take Saddam out, and along with him France's 60 billion dollars worth of oil contracts with Iraq. Russia hedges because Iraq owes them 6 billion dollars that they sorely need.

In answer to your question... hell yes we should go to war with Iraq. We should have done it six months ago. We should also get out of the United Nations. Can you believe that the United Nations has appointed Iraq and Syria to head up the United Nations Disarmament Committee? Can you believe they have appointed Libya to head up the Human Rights Committee? All three of these countries are on the UN List of Terrorist States.... Absolutely unbelievable.

Throughout recorded history the only time peace has prevailed is when the good guys have militarily whipped the bad guys.


FUN THINGS to SEND TO, and DO TO your left leaning associates - I will be adding more to this in the future. In the meantime, enjoy!

Fun with MS Word - This is a REALLY good prank that you can play on pretty much anyone who is not familiar with the finer points of Word or Office in general.

SAVE THE WORLD!!  - The email below is a great one to send to those people we all know... the ones with too much friggin' time on their hands... the ones who are never without multiple causes... the shrub-cuddling enviro-weenies that strive to fix the world with everyone's money except their own. In case you didn't take Chemistry, Dihydrogen Oxide can also be termed as H2O, or water. I think it would be hilarious if a few of the eco-geeks out there started hassling their congressmen about this dangerous substance! Pass it on to your favorite Birkenstock Bolshevik, and have some fun!


Subject: Warning -- Dihydrogen Oxide!

Dihydrogen Oxide (DHO) is colorless, odorless, tasteless and DEADLY. It kills uncounted thousands of people each year.  Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHO. More than 4100 children died last year as a direct result of DHO inhalation (many under the age of 10). The dangers of Dihydrogen Oxide do not end there.

Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly bloating, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalances.

Not only is DHO dangerous to humans it is also extremely hazardous to the environment. It is a major component of acid rain, it contributes to the greenhouse effect, and is a common cause of the erosion of our natural landscape.

Worldwide contamination by DHO is reaching epidemic proportions. Quantities of the chemical have been found in almost every stream, lake and reservoir in the U.S. today.  But the pollution is global, and the contaminant has even been found in the Antarctic.  So far governments and environmental watchdogs have been indifferent to the problem.

Despite the danger DHO is widely used as an industrial solvent and coolant, in nuclear power stations, as a fire retardant, as an additive in certain junk foods and other food products, and in a wide variety of other uses.  Companies routinely dump DHO into rivers and oceans, and nothing can be done to stop them because this practice is still legal.

The U.S. government has refused to ban the production, distribution or use of this damaging chemical due to its "importance to the economic life of the nation".

In fact the U.S. Navy and other military organizations are conducting experiments with DHO, and designing multi-billion-dollar devices to control and use it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities receive tons of it through a highly complicated underground distribution network. Many store huge quantities for later

Act now to prevent further contamination. Find out more about this dangerous chemical, and take action. Call or write your congressman and local officials to let them know where you stand on this important issue.

Only together can we defeat this global killer!

The Fall of the Athenian Republic - A Warning

A warning from Scots Historian Professor Alexander Tyler, circa 1787

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (wealth) from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

     - From bondage to spiritual faith;
     - from spiritual faith to great courage;
     - from courage to liberty;
     - from liberty to abundance;
     - from abundance to complacency;
     - from complacency to apathy;
     - from apathy to dependence;
     - from dependence back into bondage."


Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University of Law, St. Paul, MN passed on that gem & provides the following year 2000 election facts for your consideration:

- Population of counties won by Gore 127 million, won by Bush 143 million
- Sq. miles of country won by Gore 580,000, won by Bush 2,427,000
- States won by Gore 19, by Bush 29
- Average murders per 100,000 residents in counties won by Gore 13.2, and by Bush 2.1 (not a typo)

and finally Professor Olson adds, "The map of the territory Bush won was (almost entirely) the land owned by the people of this great country. Not the citizens living in cities owned by the government and living off the government....